Saturday, March 15, 2008

Parenting Child With ADHD

Lets be totally, brutally honest: raising a child with ADHD can
be very draining and place a heavy strain on your emotions.m
Many people keep asking on how to parent an ADHD child.
Frustration and impatience can slowly develop for parent of
child with ADHD, and stress just seems to well up inside of you,
and the best and most effective way on parenting children with
ADHD is a near impossible question to answer.

It is the bond that exists between parent and child that is
crucial, making all the difference, if the parent and child have
mutual trust and are able to competently communicate, then this
makes raising an adhd child much easier.

with ADHD :

1. Patience is crucial

One of the fundamental requirements you need in parenting
skills for adhd odd children and survive with a child with ADHD
is patience. Remember, even when the child is at their most
infuriating, at a stage of development where they are ready to
drive you to madness, remember it is not their fault they do not
choose to be the way they are. When you feel exasperated try and
imagine just how exasperated the child must feel in their
struggle to learn.

Be a friend and let your child trust in you:

Let your child feel they can trust in you, that they can
confide in you with their secrets, their fears, worries and
concerns as well as the triumphs they have. Don't trivialize or
patronize the child, and make sure to treat them with dignity
and respect at all times, and actually listen. Don't let your
child think that they have to bottle their emotions up.

2. Engage with your child, and spend time with them:

Try and spend as much quality time as you can with your child,
and do not listen passively to what they say, or with a bored
disinterest. Make a fuss of your child and be physically
affectionate, ask them how are they enjoying school, what games
did they play. This makes the child feel valued and loved, and
all it takes is some patience and time.

3. Be aware of erratic sleeping patterns, and be patient

Children who suffer from ADHD have disturbed and erratic
sleeping patterns, either suffering from bouts of insomnia,
excessive sleeping or an unhappy mixture of the two. Sometimes
they will suffer from bad nightmares and broken sleep, so make
sure that if they have a bad night you are close at hand for
security and reassurance.

4. Engage with the child with ADHD in all activities

It may sound like a nightmare to the parents, but a child with
ADHD cant help but want their parents as close by as possible,
regardless of what activity they are currently engaged in. Make
sure therefore to be especially attentive and affectionate to
such a child, and engage with them, whether it is watching the
TV with them or playing a game.

About The Author: Learn the tips and techniques in disciplining
adhd child and prevent depression in child with adhd when you
visit, a portal which caters
for child living with adhd and help for adhd child.